Season two: Meeting precious

Yea, it was holiday on the last friday, 26th Feb. We went home to this little warm town - Teluk Intan... Met the loving family and our little precious. Baby lucas was down with stomach ache =(,not feeling well. He cries out loud, but at times, he smiles too. =) ... We were kinda tired, but the smile on his face, did enlighten our days.

Counting down, 8 more days to go.... and baby lucas is coming to his 4th month! Time really flies, and baby lucas growing up fast. Let's pray baby lucas will have a speedy recovery. Baby lucas' album is now available on my facebook. It's only restricted to invited friends. PM me if you wanna have a look on him ....virtually.. =)

We had a good time with our little precious. The daddy, patrick was counting sheep for baby lucas to fall asleep. LOL !!! ... Guess, baby lucas can count one to hundred soon. =))
I brought baby lucas to park during evening time. He enjoys so much looking at other kids playing at the playground.To me, baby lucas is as cute as other kids .... Our cutie pie deep inside our heart. ~luv him muchie~

Quote Three: All People Smile In The Same Language... =)

Stay tune with -patresa-

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