Season two: The Book Of Eli

3rd March, we watched The Book Of Eli. Let allow us to give some comment on this movie. Overall, to us, this movie score 9/10. It's one of the best movie we had watch so far. Around of applause to ELI(Denzel Washington). At the beginning of the movie, he was all alone, hunting for food/ strange wildlife as his meal. He survived all by his own. We would said he is the kind of people who is full of knowledge, wise and of course brave enough to overcome any obstacle in order to achieve his dream. We like his character as how he protect himself from being hurt. True enough, he kills people, but bear in mind, he only kills those who hurt him.

I watched the whole movie from the beginning till the end without even fall asleep eventhough I was pretty tired on that night. The plot is good, The suspense of the movie is perfect and we just love The Ending.

Quote Five from The Bible New Living Translation: God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers

Stay tune with -patresa-

1 Response to "Season two: The Book Of Eli"

  1. Patresa says:
    March 5, 2010 at 2:48 PM

    MuN : Yups, I like this quote too !~ =) Have a Nice "F" day .....kakakak @~